Jakob Müller Group übernimmt MEI International und erweitert Angebot an Lösungen für Schmaltextilwebmaschinen

Jakob Müller Group übernimmt MEI International und erweitert Angebot an Lösungen für Schmaltextilwebmaschinen

Extbase Variable Dump
Stilgrenze\Stgnewsext\Domain\Model\StilgrenzeNewsFieldModelDefaultprototypepersistent entity (uid=246, pid=63)
   isEvent => protected'0' (1 chars)
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   crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2025-02-28T09:15:29+01:00, 1740730529)
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   sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer)
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   starttime => protectedNULL
   endtime => protectedNULL
   feGroup => protected'' (0 chars)
   hidden => protectedFALSE
   deleted => protectedFALSE
   title => protected'Jakob Müller Group übernimmt MEI International und erweitert Angebot an Lösu
      ngen für Schmaltextilwebmaschinen
' (109 chars) alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars) teaser => protected'Mit einer über 50-jährigen Geschichte ist MEI ein renommierter italienischer
       Hersteller von Breitband-Etikettenwebmaschinen.
' (124 chars) bodytext => protected'<p><strong>Die Jakob Müller Group (JMG), ein weltweit führender Anbieter von
       Schmaltextilwebmaschinen, gab heute die Übernahme von 100% der Anteile an M
      EI International mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2025 bekannt. Mit einer über 50-j
      ährigen Geschichte ist MEI ein renommierter italienischer Hersteller von Bre
      itband-Etikettenwebmaschinen.</strong></p> <p><a href="t3://file?uid=2039"
      target="_blank">Read more</a></p>
' (413 chars) datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2025-02-28T14:25:00+01:00, 1740749100) archive => protectedNULL author => protected'' (0 chars) authorEmail => protected'' (0 chars) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 00000000000027400000000000000000 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=7, pid=64) sorting => protected32 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:40:00+02:00, 1620308400) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:40:21+02:00, 1620308421) starttime => protectedNULL endtime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer) l10nParent => protected7 (integer) title => protected'Presse' (6 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=7, pid=64) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protected'' (0 chars) seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protected'press' (5 chars) uid => protected7 (integer) _localizedUid => protected27 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected7 (integer)modified pid => protected64 (integer) 00000000000027540000000000000000 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=64) sorting => protected768 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:40:45+02:00, 1620308445) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:41:05+02:00, 1620308465) starttime => protectedNULL endtime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer) l10nParent => protected1 (integer) title => protected'Meldungen' (9 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=64) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protected'' (0 chars) seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protected'meldungen' (9 chars) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected29 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected64 (integer) related => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedFrom => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falRelatedFiles => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedLinks => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) sortingForeign => protectedNULL type => protected'0' (1 chars) keywords => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'JMG announced the acquisition of 100% of the shares of MEI International, ef
      fective January 1, 2025
' (99 chars) falMedia => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 00000000000028360000000000000000 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=6945, pid=63) title => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) alternative => protected'' (0 chars) link => protected'' (0 chars) showinpreview => protected1 (integer) uidLocal => protected2038 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected6945 (integer) _localizedUid => protected6946 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected6945 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer) falMediaPreviews => protectedNULL falMediaNonPreviews => protectedNULL internalurl => protected'' (0 chars) externalurl => protected'' (0 chars) istopnews => protectedFALSE contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) pathSegment => protected'jmg-gab-heute-die-uebernahme-von-100-der-anteile-an-mei-international-mit-wi
' (107 chars) editlock => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) sorting => protected0 (integer) notes => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected246 (integer) _localizedUid => protected247 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected246 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer)

Die Jakob Müller Group (JMG), ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Schmaltextilwebmaschinen, gab heute die Übernahme von 100% der Anteile an MEI International mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2025 bekannt. Mit einer über 50-jährigen Geschichte ist MEI ein renommierter italienischer Hersteller von Breitband-Etikettenwebmaschinen.

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