ITME Afrika 2020

ITME Afrika 2020

Extbase Variable Dump
Stilgrenze\Stgnewsext\Domain\Model\StilgrenzeNewsFieldModelDefaultprototypepersistent entity (uid=15, pid=63)
   isEvent => protected'0' (1 chars)
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   crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-04T08:51:50+02:00, 1620111110)
   tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-08-20T13:34:34+02:00, 1629459274)
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   title => protected'ITME Afrika 2020' (16 chars)
   alternativeTitle => protected'' (0 chars)
   teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
   bodytext => protected'<p>Die Jakob Müller Gruppe bedankt sich bei allen Besuchern unseres Messest
      andes.</p> <p>Dieser war Teil des Schweizer Gemeinschaftsstandes welcher vo
      n der Swissmem organisiert wurde.</p> <p>Daniel Hunn, der Schweizer Botscha
      fter in Äthiopien, zeigte sich sehr beeindruckt von den neuesten technologi
      schen Entwicklungen der Jakob Mueller Gruppe.</p> <p>Für Jakob Müller war
       es eine erfolgreiche Messe in einem neuen Wachstumsmarkt!</p>
' (442 chars) datetime => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2020-03-02T11:25:00+01:00, 1583144700) archive => protectedNULL author => protected'' (0 chars) authorEmail => protected'' (0 chars) categories => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000049819315000000003c184155 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=64) sorting => protected768 (integer) crdate => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:40:45+02:00, 1620308445) tstamp => protectedDateTimeprototypeobject (2021-05-06T15:41:05+02:00, 1620308465) starttime => protectedNULL endtime => protectedNULL hidden => protectedFALSE sysLanguageUid => protected1 (integer) l10nParent => protected1 (integer) title => protected'Meldungen' (9 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) parentcategory => protectedGeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entitysee above (uid=1, pid=64) images => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) shortcut => protected0 (integer) singlePid => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) feGroup => protected'' (0 chars) seoTitle => protected'' (0 chars) seoDescription => protected'' (0 chars) seoHeadline => protected'' (0 chars) seoText => protected'' (0 chars) slug => protected'meldungen' (9 chars) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected29 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected64 (integer) related => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedFrom => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) falRelatedFiles => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) relatedLinks => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) sortingForeign => protectedNULL type => protected'0' (1 chars) keywords => protected'' (0 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) falMedia => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (3 items) 00000000498192da000000003c184155 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=141, pid=63) uidLocal => protected91 (integer) title => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) alternative => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) link => protected'' (0 chars) showinpreview => protected0 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected141 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2677 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected141 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer) 000000004981922f000000003c184155 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=142, pid=63) uidLocal => protected90 (integer) title => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) alternative => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) link => protected'' (0 chars) showinpreview => protected0 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected142 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2678 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected142 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer) 0000000049819214000000003c184155 => GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=197, pid=63) uidLocal => protected89 (integer) title => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) description => protected'' (0 chars) alternative => protected'[Translate to Deutsch:] ITME Afrika 2020' (40 chars) link => protected'' (0 chars) showinpreview => protected2 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected197 (integer) _localizedUid => protected2679 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected197 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer) falMediaPreviews => protectedNULL falMediaNonPreviews => protectedNULL internalurl => protected'' (0 chars) externalurl => protected'' (0 chars) istopnews => protectedFALSE contentElements => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) tags => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\LazyObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) pathSegment => protected'itme-afrika-2020' (16 chars) editlock => protected0 (integer) importId => protected'' (0 chars) importSource => protected'' (0 chars) sorting => protected0 (integer) notes => protected'' (0 chars) uid => protected15 (integer) _localizedUid => protected56 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected1 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected15 (integer)modified pid => protected63 (integer)

Die Jakob Müller Gruppe bedankt sich bei allen Besuchern unseres Messestandes.

Dieser war Teil des Schweizer Gemeinschaftsstandes welcher von der Swissmem organisiert wurde.

Daniel Hunn, der Schweizer Botschafter in Äthiopien, zeigte sich sehr beeindruckt von den neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen der Jakob Mueller Gruppe.

Für Jakob Müller war es eine erfolgreiche Messe in einem neuen Wachstumsmarkt!